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Archive for the ‘Fabulous Faces’ Category

Another “Fabulous” Face?

Posted by kimmerbe on March 2, 2010

My first painting on canvas.  Lots of collage, and layers of Golden acrylic fluid paints, Neocolor II watercolor crayons, ink, texture paste, etc.  Not sure I’m diggin’ the flowers…I was going to stamp a butterfly where the flowers are, but changed my mind.  I may change my mind again!

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Fabulous Faces Week 3

Posted by kimmerbe on February 9, 2010

Hello my friends!  I am continuing to LOVE LOVE LOVE learning to draw and paint faces!  Tam is such an awesome instructor.  I can’t believe how far I’ve come in just a few short weeks.  If you have ever wondered if you could draw and paint portraits, consider taking Tam’s course.  I am not working for Tam in any way, just a huge fan based on my own personal experience.

This week’s lesson is drawing and shading a 3/4 portrait in colour.  Take a peek, and see what you think.  You can click on the image for a larger view.

Fabulous Faces 3/4 facing portrait

Don’t you just love the flowing hair?  I was going for the “underwater hair” look.  Tam’s inspiration, of course.  The mediums used are Neocolor II watercolor crayons, Golden fluid acrylics, and graphite pencil.  Oh, and I used a Zig Millennium pigment ink black pen for some details around the eyes.

Posted in Acrylic painting, Fabulous Faces | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

Today’s Art

Posted by kimmerbe on February 3, 2010

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I {heart} {Art}

Posted by kimmerbe on February 2, 2010

Hello my fellow artists!  I have some new drawings, and my very first EVER painting!  Yep!  I painted a portrait!  And, I think I did okay for my first time!  I learned a lot about acrylic paint, watercolor crayons, watersoluble oil pastels, and graphite pencils and crayons!  What a fun experiment it was!  This was the result of the second class of Willowing’s Fabulous Faces workshop.

First, here are a couple of drawings that I did last week. I was totally inspired by the style of the fabulous Tam’s (Willowing) drawing here.

And now….*drum roll*….

I just LOVE her purple hair!  Here’s Tam’s feedback and suggestions:

Subtle changes – make such a huge difference!  She just lowered her lips, and lengthened her chin, and deepened the shading.  WHOA!  So much fun.

Thank you SO MUCH for taking a peek at my blog today.  Feel free to leave me a comment – it makes me smile.

Posted in Acrylic painting, Fabulous Faces, graphite sketch | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

Another Fabulous Face!

Posted by kimmerbe on January 29, 2010

Hey everyone!  TGIF!  This week has been so long, hasn’t it?  It’s been bitterly cold here in SW Ontario, and we’ve gotten quite a bit of snow.  I haven’t felt great this week, either, so I have hardly left the house!  It gave me lots of opportunity to practice my graphite drawing skills ala Willowing’s Fabulous Faces Workshop!  If you are like me, and always wanted to be able to draw, but never really knew if you could do it, I highly recommend this course.  We are only one week in to the course, and my skills have grown by leaps and bounds!  I highly recommend it!

The instruction is so easy to follow – it’s like magic!  I was impressed with my very first drawing!  (I’m a legend in my own mind lol).  I’ve been practicing all week, and find myself learning more with each project.  I posted a couple of girls earlier this week, and, since then, Tam (Willowing) gave me some tips on how to make her less “surprised”, or wide eyed.  She actually took my scanned image, and touched it up in photoshop, and posted her results, like so:

Whoah!  How cool is THAT?

So, based on her comments, I enhanced my original photo.  Here is the before and after (I used my pencil instead of PHotoshop ;):

AND, here’s my latest drawing.

What do you think?  I would love to hear your comments.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Posted in Fabulous Faces, graphite sketch | 1 Comment »

Willowing ROCKS!

Posted by kimmerbe on January 27, 2010

Hello my friends.   Well, I have two more pretty ladies to show you today.  I’ve been practing the graphite drawing skills I’m learning from Willowing (Tam).  I started her “Fabulous Faces” online workshop this past week.  This first week’s instruction was how to draw a front-facing woman with graphite pencil.  I’ve been drawing every day, after I go to bed.  I’m not sure that I’m getting the best possible result when I’m drawing in a horizontal position, with my sketchbook on my lap!  😉  I should try drawing from an upright/sitting position lol.  That’s my goal for today.  In the meantime, here’s a couple of sketches from last night.  I still have a long way to go, but the practicing is SO MUCH FUN!  🙂

Posted in Fabulous Faces, graphite sketch | Tagged: , , | Leave a Comment »

Learning to Draw

Posted by kimmerbe on January 25, 2010

Hello my fellow artists!  I started an online drawing course today.  The fabulous Tam, of  www.Willowing.ning.com  is offering a course on drawing faces, which she appropriately calls – “Fabulous Faces”!  I just started drawing in December, so I thought this would be a good course for me to take.  Ultimately, I want to be able to add my drawings to my art journals.

So, here is my very first drawing.  I am pretty happy with how she turned out!  Tam’s teaching is fabulous!  I have been admiring her faces for a long time.  I’m very excited about this new learning opportunity.

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