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Learning to Draw

Posted by kimmerbe on January 25, 2010

Hello my fellow artists!  I started an online drawing course today.  The fabulous Tam, of  www.Willowing.ning.com  is offering a course on drawing faces, which she appropriately calls – “Fabulous Faces”!  I just started drawing in December, so I thought this would be a good course for me to take.  Ultimately, I want to be able to add my drawings to my art journals.

So, here is my very first drawing.  I am pretty happy with how she turned out!  Tam’s teaching is fabulous!  I have been admiring her faces for a long time.  I’m very excited about this new learning opportunity.

One Response to “Learning to Draw”

  1. Laurie May said

    You are doing a fantastic job drawing. I will have to wait a bit, but I plan to take a class from her. Sounds like you are thrilled.

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