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Fabulous Faces Week 3

Posted by kimmerbe on February 9, 2010

Hello my friends!  I am continuing to LOVE LOVE LOVE learning to draw and paint faces!  Tam is such an awesome instructor.  I can’t believe how far I’ve come in just a few short weeks.  If you have ever wondered if you could draw and paint portraits, consider taking Tam’s course.  I am not working for Tam in any way, just a huge fan based on my own personal experience.

This week’s lesson is drawing and shading a 3/4 portrait in colour.  Take a peek, and see what you think.  You can click on the image for a larger view.

Fabulous Faces 3/4 facing portrait

Don’t you just love the flowing hair?  I was going for the “underwater hair” look.  Tam’s inspiration, of course.  The mediums used are Neocolor II watercolor crayons, Golden fluid acrylics, and graphite pencil.  Oh, and I used a Zig Millennium pigment ink black pen for some details around the eyes.

2 Responses to “Fabulous Faces Week 3”

  1. Wow, just love this gorgeous woman…You’ve done a beautiful creation here. Just found you by way of willowing.. Do pop over by my blog, I’d be thrilled and if its okay I’ll add on as a follower here, it would be an honor if you’d do the same at mine..This is so special making online friendships!!!
    Big Hugs Dena

  2. Looks great Kim. You have come along way. 🙂

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