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Archive for the ‘Zentangles’ Category

Art Journal Love

Posted by kimmerbe on January 6, 2010

I am REALLY enjoying this newfound artform of art journaling!  I am so inspired by Milliande over at Milliande Art Community for Women.  She is offering daily prompts (along with videos!) to inspire us/me to play along!  So, here is my Day 4 contribution.  The challenge was to use a checkered border on our page.  I had so much fun with this one!  There are at least 4 layers on this baby!  😉

AND, I finished another Zentangle last night.  I do these after I get into bed, on my lap, lying down, so that may give you a little more appreciation for them!  LOL!  This one was created using a CD – I used it as a template – both the inside circle, and the outer ring.  Then, I got out my Sakura red glitter pen, and my Pitt Artist Pen in black, and embellished and coloured away.  The glitter just doesn’t show up in the scan, though…you’ll have to trust me that this zen is sparkly!

Posted in Art Journaling, Zentangles | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

I LOVE Art Journaling, and Zentangles!

Posted by kimmerbe on January 4, 2010

What can I say?  I have become hopelessly addicted to art journalling.  Not that that’s a bad thing…just never thought I was talented enough to make actual art.  Don’t get me wrong – I have always been creative.  My mother tells me that I was “making things” before I was even walking!   So, a little bit about me…and how I came to start blogging about art journaling.  I started my first blog when I began teaching scrapbooking and cardmaking.  I have been a papercrafter for about 10 years now, although, like I said, I made things from paper, fabric, and anything else I could find, since I was very young.

I discovered art journaling when I picked up a magazine (another one of my passions!) – called “Journaling”.  Since then, I’ve purchased several books, and I believe I have four art journals on the go at the moment.  My stash of scrapbooking/cardmaking supplies is being put to good use!

So, I have joined a couple of Art Journaling groups, and I thought it was about time I started another blog. Art Journaling, for those of you who may be new to this form of art, is a visual form of journaling.  I have found it to be very therapeutic. Today, I’ll share some of my favourite pages.  Oh, and I have also found Zen-tangle/doodle/dala-ing, so I’ll be sharing some of my Zenworks here as well.  So, in no particular order, here are some of my creations.

First, a few art journal pages from my first Moleskine.

And a couple of Zentangles:

That’s it for now!  I have a lot of catching up to do.  I should have started this blog sooner!  😉



Posted in Art Journaling, Zentangles | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »