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Posts Tagged ‘acrylic and water color crayons’

Fabulous Faces Week 3

Posted by kimmerbe on February 9, 2010

Hello my friends!  I am continuing to LOVE LOVE LOVE learning to draw and paint faces!  Tam is such an awesome instructor.  I can’t believe how far I’ve come in just a few short weeks.  If you have ever wondered if you could draw and paint portraits, consider taking Tam’s course.  I am not working for Tam in any way, just a huge fan based on my own personal experience.

This week’s lesson is drawing and shading a 3/4 portrait in colour.  Take a peek, and see what you think.  You can click on the image for a larger view.

Fabulous Faces 3/4 facing portrait

Don’t you just love the flowing hair?  I was going for the “underwater hair” look.  Tam’s inspiration, of course.  The mediums used are Neocolor II watercolor crayons, Golden fluid acrylics, and graphite pencil.  Oh, and I used a Zig Millennium pigment ink black pen for some details around the eyes.

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